Friday, February 11, 2011

Breast-feeding: Enhances the mother and baby health

Give your child the best with Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is wonderful experience for new parent. Breastfeeding the baby soon after delivery is an important task to be implemented. Colostrum, the yellowish milk produced in initial 3 days after delivery is very rich in nutrients. Feeding the baby in the first three days makes baby healthier and gives good resistance power.

Ten successful tips for Breast-feeding:

1. Breastfeed the baby after an hour after Delivery.

2. Fallow the basics in feeding like positioning, latching on, Timing and frequency of feeds

3. In the first 3-5 months baby mainly depends on breast-feeding, breast milk provides nutrition and helps in faster growth of the baby.

4. Baby should be free to feed .As soon as baby starts feeding baby sucks foremilk, which is watery and contains vitamins and carbohydrates and less in fat (think of it as your baby thirst quencher).Later baby receives hind milk rich in fat and calories.
5. It is very important to position the baby to nipple height, rather than leaning you over baby leads to shoulder and neck stress and there is a chance to cause back pain.

6. Try to get some useful techniques from lactation specialist in the hospital, which helps for better breast-feeding.

7. Don’t make the newborn sleep for long hours without feeding. Moreover, it is a time to wake him/her for breast-feeding.

8. Breast feeding mother should take special care with well balanced diet. Increase in the intake of food rich in vitamins and nutrients and by having health drinks helps a lot.

9. Avoid medicines during breastfeeding if unavoidable use under doctor supervision.

10. Allow or make your baby burp after feeding. It helps in get rid of the air swallowed during feeding and keep your baby comfortable.

Make Breastfeeding a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby by taking special care and following the given tips.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Teaching right habits to children

Teaching the right eating habits to your preschooler

Do not put your hands on the table! sit straight! do not chew with mouth open! 

You might well be shouting at the top of your voice to your preschooler, but does he ever lend an ear to you? of course not. he might be doing just the opposite of what you are saying or not even caring of what you say to him.

So, how do you go about making your preschooler listen to you?

One simple step is making him learn through practice. Yes! I can hear you cry out immediately "how would he practice if he does not listen".

Well, you could arrange a tea party for your kid. Ask him to choose what he wants to have for tea. You could even go one step ahead and ask him to bring some friends home for tea.

 Before the party tell him what the rules are.

  1. Sit straight with your back to the backrest of your chair.put your hands on the table.
  2. Do not put your hands on the table.
  3. Sip the drinks served, no gulping.
  4. do not chew with your mouth open.
  5. do not speak with food in your mouth and so on.
Do not compel him to do anything make it fun. You can give a prize to the child who abides by all rules. You can even let the child have a special real cooking party and so on.

Remember, small children always stick to what they have been taught.

Monday, January 31, 2011

winter skin care

Winter is a season when everyone pulls out the woolen wear which has been locked for longtime and at the same time little extra care is needed for skin compared to usual days. In winter, common problems are Dry and irritated Skin, Chapped lips, Cracked Heels.

 In my Childhood days my Grandmother advised me to use ‘Besan powder’ in winter for skin protection, there started my skin care in winter with simple home remeady.Now in market we can find lots of winter skin care products. Apart from the products, little care taken by you helps a lot.

 Tips to be followed in winter for better skin care:

Consumption of water

Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Avoid taking caffeinated drinks often. Good herbal remedy is taking hot water with few lemon drops in it.Which purifies the blood and removes impurities gives skin good glow.

Shower with Warm water daily

Shower with warm water daily. Avoid bath with hot water which depletes natural oils from skin. Use mild soaps instead of normal soaps.After fresh bath and toweling dry do not forget to apply moisturizer for a soft and smooth skin. Weekly once oil baths helps a lot.

Choosing moisturizer

Select good moisturizer which suits to your skin. It is the most important tip to be followed. Based on the skin type choose moisturizer. Special moisturizers are there for oily skin.

Use gel based moisturizers instead of lotion which absorbs quickly in to skin. For dry skin extra care is necessary during winter. One shouldn’t give up using sunscreen in winter to protect from Sun.

Exfoliate Skin

Another Important thing is to exfoliate skin regularly .Exfoliation, removes dead cells on the skin and rejuvenates the skin. It also helps in absorbing moisturizers better.


Diet plays a main role for healthy look of skin.Consuming Fresh Vegetables and fruits are important. Taking sea foods and dairy products that are rich in proteins and mineral gives good texture and quality to skin.

Foods rich  in anti-oxidants such as apples, watermelon, muskmelon, strawberries, avocado, oranges, bananas, kiwi, grapes, pomegranates, plums,coriander, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, beans, cabbage, broccoli, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, whole meal cereals, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, yeast, barley and oats. 

Lip Care

When we think about winter care our thoughts wander about face and body care. Good care is also needed for lips. Use branded lip balms to keep away from dry and chapped lips.

Good home remedy is to use butter or milk cream before going to bed daily.Don’t peel dry flakes on lips and good remedy for that is take sugar granuals mix it with olive oil apply on lips this will give exfoliating affect and remove dry skin .

Special care for Homemakers

Most of the household chores links with using water like dish washing, house cleaning, washing clothes affected area is hands and feet.special care is required for hands and feet.

By Using hand gloves and wearing chappals helps up to some extent.wearing gloves to hand helps to protect hands from chemicals of detergents and washing powder.

Apart from all the things regular exercise and good sleeps keeps skin glowing and healthy
There are varieties of winter skin care tips and treatments available in market. But be cautious while choosing the right one to your skin.

guest post by Sindhu