Friday, February 11, 2011

Breast-feeding: Enhances the mother and baby health

Give your child the best with Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is wonderful experience for new parent. Breastfeeding the baby soon after delivery is an important task to be implemented. Colostrum, the yellowish milk produced in initial 3 days after delivery is very rich in nutrients. Feeding the baby in the first three days makes baby healthier and gives good resistance power.

Ten successful tips for Breast-feeding:

1. Breastfeed the baby after an hour after Delivery.

2. Fallow the basics in feeding like positioning, latching on, Timing and frequency of feeds

3. In the first 3-5 months baby mainly depends on breast-feeding, breast milk provides nutrition and helps in faster growth of the baby.

4. Baby should be free to feed .As soon as baby starts feeding baby sucks foremilk, which is watery and contains vitamins and carbohydrates and less in fat (think of it as your baby thirst quencher).Later baby receives hind milk rich in fat and calories.
5. It is very important to position the baby to nipple height, rather than leaning you over baby leads to shoulder and neck stress and there is a chance to cause back pain.

6. Try to get some useful techniques from lactation specialist in the hospital, which helps for better breast-feeding.

7. Don’t make the newborn sleep for long hours without feeding. Moreover, it is a time to wake him/her for breast-feeding.

8. Breast feeding mother should take special care with well balanced diet. Increase in the intake of food rich in vitamins and nutrients and by having health drinks helps a lot.

9. Avoid medicines during breastfeeding if unavoidable use under doctor supervision.

10. Allow or make your baby burp after feeding. It helps in get rid of the air swallowed during feeding and keep your baby comfortable.

Make Breastfeeding a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby by taking special care and following the given tips.


  1. Hi, keep posting such great information!

  2. Breast-feeding is very beneficial for the baby.
    My doctor had advised this for the first 6 months. Baby was not supposed to take any food other than mother's milk.

  3. Great points! A long-last bonding between a mom and baby after its birth starts from here :)

  4. These are some great tips. Breast feeding Mom's can use all the tips and help they can get. It is such a wonderful and bonding
    experience for both Mom and Child. Highly recommend it.
    Thank you so much for coming by to visit at my blog, and for your
    encouraging comment.

  5. Oh and forgot to say, not only a great bonding experience, just so much healthier for the baby in every way but especially if they happened to have allergies, as some do to certain formulas
    and cows milk, which can cause some babies great stomach and
    intestinal distress. I could not even supplement with formula
    cause the 2 times I did, he was crying for hours afterward.

  6. Great tips! When my son was born, 29 years ago, I almost stopped breastfeeding after the first couple of weeks. He was feeding every hour and a half or so, and I was so exhausted. I was SO glad I didn't stop, though. It was very sad when he was weaned months later, as I cherished that bonding time.

  7. Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very usefully!

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